One last picture with Holly at the end of the week. We had to return a day early so I could be at work on Monday the 3rd. Holly and Brad took us back to the marina. Notice that Holly never gets too far from the farm.
The younger ones went tubing to expend some energy. Notice the beautiful sky and island in the background. What a beautiful lake!
Ron and I enjoyed a boat ride nearly every day. No worries about the hair on a trip like this.
Holly and Ron have some quiet time after a swim. Notice the difference between the farmer arms and the legs that haven't seen the light of day for awhile.
Brad Early and Holly return from a boat ride.
Our home for 7 days in beautiful Kentucky/Tennesee. Most of the time we were on the Tennesee side of the 30,000 plus acre lake. Later the boats were tied end to end and shore to shore in a cove.
Inside the kitchen/living area of the houseboat after unloading most of our stuff, it was like moving. Notice Ron in his boat gear. He and Brad bought the same hats at Walmart on the way down to Kentucky. Ron said he would be Brad's "old man" twin since he already has a real twin.