Friday, June 6, 2008

Cheapskate Wreath

Sometimes farm wives have to use their imagination to come up with something they want without spending a lot (thanks to my friend Paul). Ron has been complaining (because he is not farming) about all the dead poppy stems in the flower beds. I said I would cut them back because I had an idea. I have wanted a wreath by my front door but did not want to pay $50.00 plus for one. I usually only make wreathes in the fall but thought I would give this a try. After gathering a wheel barrel full of cut stems, I started the wreath using a homemade straw wreath and florist wire. After using most of what I cut, it turned out acceptable. To make it more attractive, it needed some color, so I cut some chive blossoms and sage blooms to add to the wreath. A little raffia added a little more color. I am happy with the results, and I have a cheapskate wreath for the front door. Every thing we put by the front porch is attractive to the local finches for building a nest. Maybe the chives and sage will keep them away and hopefully not guests!

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