Sunday, August 9, 2009

One last picture with Holly at the end of the week. We had to return a day early so I could be at work on Monday the 3rd. Holly and Brad took us back to the marina. Notice that Holly never gets too far from the farm.


bakersinspringfield said...

Great blog and photos. Looks like you all had a great time...


The Tucker Troops said...

What a great vacation! How fun and what beautiful photos. A great way to end the summer. I'm sure you are settling in with a new crop of students. I hope all is going well. I'm still trying to get situated in our new place. The boys have all gone back to school. Adam got his drivers license. Boy that's creating some new gray hair for me. I have to get used to the idea. He is jumping right into his new school. He is taking honors English 3 and I'm concerned for him. He says it will be fine. Literature and writing. He told me you prepared him well. He also has a few college credit courses and the rest he loves as well.

I love your updates!
Take care--
God's Blessings....